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MAIL: Look Inside Inc, 1706 Murray Dr.
Knoxville, TN 37912
501(c)(3) EIN: 45-3978243
Investment Goals

With a recent break-thru in reaching new men and women, 2022 has bigger objectives below than any previous year.
Pledges are also accepted below.
Record Reach for 2022
Over the years, reaching new men and women has been challenging. However, the past four months, we started an advanced web-site and marketing system that has dramatically increased our audience reach.

Whatever we launch in January will be to the largest audience ever and we must be ready. Below are the key initiatives for 2022.
Even with the lingering cloud of COVID-19 in 2021, we delivered 8 retreats with courageous men and women. 2022 has even bigger plans.
4 - Story Retreats
2 - Unveiling Women's Retreats
2 - 48 Hours Men's Retreats
4 - Personal Growth Experiences
4 - Cross-Train New Facilitators

One of the most successful initiatives of this ministry, our story series had 1,300 weekly readers and over 20,000 organic, Google search readers. This will be a great success to an even larger audience.
Spring Series - Personal Trauma
Summer Series - Social Harm
Fall Series - Sexuality
Holidays - Family of Origin
The series will be made up of new and classic stories since the audience will be 95% new.

The StoryApp
Story apps are one of the fastest growing market segments with over 5 million downloads and 98% being romance stories. This is a new market potential and reach with people who are already using their phones looking for connection.
Story Gallery & Resources
New Story Notifications
Event Schedules
Social Groups - Alumni, Men Only, Women Only etc.

Although we have developed a working prototype, we will need an external partner for the full development of this technology.
Volume 2: Allied Steel Works
Our book strategy has been 3 Phase:
1. Create our own publishing platform to provide resources to alumni and those less likely to attend a retreat. Done!
2 . Publish Moon Shadow Lodge. A story that is focused on 8 individuals and their personal stories of trauma, abuse and neglect. A book of powerful and personal stories and exploration to read in the privacy of your own home. Done!

3. Publish Allied Steel Works. A story, set in a corporate retreat, focused on 8 coworkers and their long forgotten stories of disappointment, heartache and shame that have impacted their career paths and causing them to be a highly dysfunctional team. This book is designed to spread through a mainstream audience leading many to deeper needs in healing and freedom. April 2022
Investors have already fueled this ministry to reach 2,320 men and women alumni at 161 retreats, over 1,600 weekly group meetings and thousands more seeking healing, hope and freedom with our on-line and book resources. It's hard for us to fathom and are left with nothing but awe and gratitude. We hope you feel the same and are ready to join us as we look toward year one of the next ten.
Fuel Us Forward in 2022! DONATE HERE
Pledge Below
Mailing Address: Look Inside - 1706 Murray Dr - Knoxville, TN 37912
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