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Look Inside- Moon Shadow Lodge
Based on True Stories

Moon Shadow Lodge

The call of purpose, connection, and love grips the heart of every human. The childhood joy of time shared with others and cheerful memories impacts our outlook for the rest of our lives. But just as good memories affect us, it is within those deeper, darker early memories that we find the root of the struggle, heartbreak, and loneliness that we face as adults. It is only when we unmask the true cause of these deep feelings and confront our stories that we find purpose, connection, and love for ourselves and others.
Moon Shadow Lodge is just that; a tale of true stories- four men and four women exploring their stories and digging deeper into the experiences that have made them who they are. Join us as we look inside at the struggle, the heartbreak, and the loneliness that was started so long ago, and the path to restoration that we long for.
Welcome to the Moon Shadow Lodge!

Praise for Moon Shadow Lodge

A friend left the book on my porch on Christmas day. When I saw that it was named 'Look Inside', I said to myself out loud, 'That's the last thing I need is to look inside.' The book haunted me sitting in the corner of my living room. Two days later, in frustration, I picked it up. For the next five hours, I did not put it down. I am not the same. I've had so much loss in my life and have lived believing 'I'm the only one.' In one night, 'at' the Moon Shadow Lodge, it opened my eyes to the truth of everyone having a story. When I went to the local grocery store the next morning, everyone looked different. In high definition color, as though my eyes had been opened and here it is a new year.

So here’s my confession, I just bought the book to show my support. Then I decided maybe I should at least make an attempt to read the book. I figured I would skim it. So here’s the reality. Yesterday we had a 7 hour drive in the car and at the end of the drive my husband wanted me to talk to him to get through the boredom when we were driving. So I half heartedly asked him if he wanted me to read to him from your book. I thought we would get to about page 3 and he would ask me to stop. Not so. He was very interested in it. I have to admit I felt a little “raw” and vulnerable last night thinking of my own insecurities after reading it. We finished our drive today (to Orlando) and Jack had me reading the entire way. He even spoke to me of dark moments in his life. Wow! What a God thing! I have no doubt we will be finishing the book on the way home.
Been reading Look Inside today. Certain health issue have prompted Lori to "look inside" and my reading the book inspired her to write a story today that we explored together. Really powerful day.

First, let me say I do not like to read, it has a lot to do with being a.d.d. I lose interest real fast. With that being said, I couldn't put this book down. I was drawn in by how relatable I was to the people in the story. I found myself imagining being there through the whole weekend. Which is how long it took me to read it. I don't think I've ever read a book in 2 days in my life. I loved it. I truly believe it will relate to anyone who reads it.
I believe we all crave connection. The emptiness of social media and the pressure to only expose the “perfect” side of life has left me just cold. This book takes you through a journey with a real hope for connection. I could identify with many of the stories that were shared and was able to consider the observations from them to some return clarity, honor, kindness safety, and growth to my own life. This is an encouraging start to explore your own stories and the stories of those you love. To reconnect in a real way.
Its fascinating to read about people who come from such “different” places and watch them learn, grow and connect with each other. No matter how different we are, we bring with us the same kinds of baggage and yearn for the same kinds of healing. There is power in sharing our stories with one another. The stories unfolded in Moon Shadow Lodge show us just how terrifying and wonderfully redemptive it can be to share our stories and ourselves with people we never knew were just like us.

The way this book is written really opens you up to every single character. You know their wants, needs, fears, disappointments, hurts, true identity. You feel as if you’re apart of the story group yourself. You relate and it pulls you in with the first paragraph. You begin to realize what they are doing is so important to your own life.
My life is a story. My stories are weaved and are weaving together to one BIG story! The content of this book has helped to usher in true, life-changing impact. I found a little piece of me in ALL of the stories I read. The book is expertly written in a way that I found SO easy to understand and apply to me.
What really struck me as I read this book was the commonality of experiences when you get right down to it. The need to feel significant, accepted and connected. While each one of these people felt much of the same, the different ways in which each reacted to not having those things in their lives was so sad. I think I would like to experience one of these weekends just to feel a part of what they felt and perhaps experience the life change they spoke of.
I wasn’t sure what to expect when I started reading this book but what I found was way better than I could have guessed. This book felt like my own private retreat. Hearing the stories discussed in the book I felt like I was at Moon Shadow Lodge. Very few books have left me a different person, this is one of those books. I couldn’t imagine feeling less alone just by reading about people that I thought I wouldn’t have any connection with. A beautiful book.
Phenomenal book. Worth every penny. Really makes one look into oneself as you read about others and their stories. Both my husband and I are reading it (and he’s a restful ugh and tough Marine. It’s already brought up great discussions.
I am familiar with story based counseling, but the writing of this book and how it allows you to know what people are thinking and feeling in real time is amazing. Several times I laughed til I cried. I had to put the book down. Most was the same crazy thoughts I have. Like when Greg was worked up and imagined himself yelling out loud in the middle of the room. It still makes me laugh.
I love a good story, but wow. I was not expecting this. I bought the paperback with free kindle Thursday. The book arrives today, but after I started on my kindle, I couldn’t stop. Finished this morning and all I can say is thank you for doing this. This is a profound book I will read a second time.
So easy to read and well written. Feels like you are there in the group. Hard to put this book down. I am new to this idea of story-telling therapy. Very interesting this healing through story-telling. Suspense and hope/relief/connection on every page.
Refreshingly candid! It helped me explore the power and effect of my stories and touch longings buried deep beneath the surface. Well worth the read!
I just finished reading this book. I really enjoyed how readable it was, quick and easy. It made me think about my own stories and reminded me once again to not be quick to judge, because every one has a story.
Moon Shadow Lodge is a book about stories. The best way to read this book is to experience it rather than study it. Place yourself in the middle of the group as stories are being told. I found myself relating to the storytellers but not the ones that I would have expected. You know a book resonates when it puts a lump in your throat and that is what happened to me. I found myself grieving as stories were told and smiling as relationships developed outside of storytelling time. Most of my own personal journey has been in the context of men's groups and while it has been good, what the authors describe in Mood Shadow is more intentional and guided. Actually, shepherd is a better descriptor than guide.
Look Inside is an intimate glimpse into the beautifully interwoven stories of 8 strangers, as they begin to unpack one piece of their life and try to make sense of it. As the characters share their stories, the reader cannot help but face the reality that life doesn’t discriminate with suffering but it’s the illusions we hide behind that wall us off from connecting. I could not be more intrigued to how easily a group of strangers could find revelations that clearly will alter their insights into themselves. In reading the stories of these people, I wonder if the scars I bare are so easily revealed. Am I even able to recognize them? It makes me want to sit down at a campfire and take a look inside.

Reading stories never grows old, but as we "grow up," the stories we relate to change. Moon Shadow Lodge introduces you to ten very different people with very different narratives. Interestingly enough, I found myself relating to multiple characters even when I thought that I wouldn't. It is a serious book, but interwoven there is humor, fun, and friendship. Not only will this book entertain you, but it will draw you into retrospection of your own life. Our own lives are full of humor, excitement, and joy; however, they are also full of tears, hurt, and fears. Through the characters in Moon Shadow Lodge, you will learn how to identify and dig deep into your own stories.
As one who loves story work and the redemption that follows, this book drew me in quickly and I couldn’t put it down. I loved getting to walk alongside these courageous characters and see where their journey at the Moon Shadow Lodge took them. The revelation and kindness each character found was inspiring and encouraging.
What I enjoyed about this book was the ability of the participants to honestly share and give us as the reader a glimpse into their stories, unmasked and vulnerable. After reading this book, I too began to look at the "stories" that shaped me, my behaviors and outlook on life. Perfectionism," if it's going to be it's up to me" etc, where did that come from? To become the best version of you be open to discovery, go easy on yourself and realize you are not alone. We all have stories that have shaped us, some good some not so good. We are all in this life together to love and encourage one another. Great read.
This book takes the reader on a journey, 10 people's journeys actually. The journeys all begin with the human condition, and where they land is sometimes uncomfortable but always surprisingly progressive. All of their varying perspectives of each other's stories lead to digging deeper into painful and traumatic burdens but also leads to growth through an extraordinary process of pain, understanding, and healing. I could not help but explore my own stories while reading and wonder what others would say if I had the courage to explore my story with the group and Look Inside.

I found this book to be readable and relateable, two traits that lend universal appeal. As each individual shares their story,  others share their responses, affirming and validating the pain, shame, sorrow, humiliation that each must have felt as their story unfolded in real time. But they don't remain in their pain, because each participant speaks truth. This book reveals common themes of addiction, abuse, loss, shame and betrayal in the retreat participants' lives. Who knows? When you, "Look Inside", you might find stories not unlike your own.

This book is amazing! Each character's personal story is riveting and so relatable. I found myself being drawn in and feeling all the feelings: anger, joy, fear, grief, despair, relief. There is power in these words that can change your life. Everyone should read this book, and prepare to look inside their own stories to find truth and healing from the hurt of the past.
This book takes you on an intimate journey with 8 people attending a story retreat. The book is written in a way that allows you to journey with the participants from the beginning to the end of the retreat. It feels like you are right there with them; walking side by side with them, enjoying a meal or campfire with them, listening to their stories, shedding tears with them, and sharing in the celebration of their progress and victory. I felt like I knew each one of the 8 characters intimately after reading their stories and could relate to each of them. The best part about it was the healing and self-realization I experienced reading this book. There are parts in each one of their stories that I could connect to. The characters face some of the lies that they believed about themselves through these stories, which are some of the same lies I believe. It helped me to realize I was not alone in believing these lies and spoke truth into those lies. I would highly recommend this book to everyone.
There is power in story. Perhaps that is why Jesus so often told a story as He was teaching. In "Look Inside" the authors take us on a journey with them through the characters' stories. This book has much to offer not the least of which is a powerful definition of faith. According to Francie, "'Faith is built on stories where there was a rescue and shattered when there was not'" (p.20). By bravely looking inside we find stories that have shaped our lives.
Takes you on a tour of 8 people's hearts. Raw and vulnerable. Captured me from the first page! The stories of shame, guilt, grief and tragedy were compelling. But I found there is an underlying thread of hope throughout the book. Don't read this book if you want to stay the same.
This unique book encourages you to open the door and look past stereotypes to see the true humanity and complex reality of others. It also inspires you to reflect on the meaning of life and your connection with other people. It is a breath of fresh air in a world that can be increasingly shallow and superficial.
This is soooo cool! After experiencing life change through exploring my story in depth at several retreats through Look Inside now we get to read about stories that are real !!! Our stories are so unique and powerful! Thank you for sharing these with the world.

Opened my eyes to new views on my life experiences. This is definitely a game changer. Recommend to EVERYONE, I think any walk of life could benefit! Thanks to each of you for sharing from the deepest and most sacred parts of your life!

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